
JoshTalks BB App dla Android

  • Darmowa

  • Po Polski
  • V 1.0.34
  • 4.6

  • Status bezpieczeństwa

Recenzja Softonic

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JoshTalks BB App is a free Android application developed by Josh Talks. It falls under the category of Education & Reference and aims to provide young, career-oriented individuals with the opportunity to connect with their role models. The app allows users to engage in audio-first conversations and directly ask their role models questions on various topics.

To access the app, users are required to sign in using their phone number. Once the mobile number is inputted, an OTP is sent and automatically detected for seamless sign-in. Upon signing in, users are presented with a feed containing multiple conversation rooms. Some rooms are scheduled for a later date, while others are live in the present.

Users have the option to set reminders for scheduled conversation rooms or join a live room immediately. Notifications, including SMS, push notifications, and in-app notifications, are sent to alert users when a room they have set a reminder for goes live.

Inside a conversation room, a moderator discusses topics that can help users in the audience make better career decisions. Users can raise their hand to speak directly to the moderator if approved by the room owner. Additionally, users can search for specific role models and follow them to receive notifications whenever they start a conversation room.

With JoshTalks BB App, users can engage in focused 20-minute conversations, mentor young people, and connect with like-minded individuals who are also driven by their careers.

Program jest dostępny w innych językach

JoshTalks BB App dla Android

  • Darmowa

  • Po Polski
  • V 1.0.34
  • 4.6

  • Status bezpieczeństwa

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